Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thoughts on Food and Wine.

(I do not own the rights to this picture)

A little over a year ago, I had the opportunity to eat at Victoria and Albert's at Walt Disney World. This is all due to my wife making reservations months in advance. I have never had the opportunity to eat a meal the likes of which we enjoyed that night, nor to have wine that matched each course of our meal so perfectly. As I have become more entranced by wine, I have found myself reminiscing about that visit to Victoria and Albert's. I have pulled out our menus and perused them, then searched the internet for each wine that we sampled. Not surprising, the wines we tried are not 100 dollar bottles. Most of them come in at 20 dollars. Of all the them, I could only find one that had been rated by any of the big wine magazines or organizations, and it was rated a 92. I didn't know that at the time, what I do know is that every wine we sampled was fantastic, and the meal itself was an amazing experience. I long to try something similar, however, Arizona does not lend itself to fine dining or nine course chef's tasting menus. I envy friends of mine living in California, New York and Florida that have access to a bevy of restaurants that offer these types of dining and drinking experiences. I guess all my reminiscing and writing is for one reason. If you are so inclined and have the money, I would recommend doing some research and then spending a lovely night at a restaurant like this. If you go in with an open mind and an attitude to learn about cuisine and wine, you won't be let down. Even if it's a once in a lifetime experience, it's well worth it. And for those of you that want a review of Victoria and Albert's, it was worth every penny, I highly recommend it!

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